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Forum - Wetenschap & Filosofie - Google and the Ultimate AI Brain

Geplaatst door RobzQ vrijdag 26 april 2013 om 00:33


Interessant spul over waar google aan werkt:

Google has always been an artificial intelligence company, so it really shouldn’t have been a surprise that Ray Kurzweil, one of the leading scientists in the field, joined the search giant late last year. Nonetheless, the hiring raised some eyebrows, since Kurzweil is perhaps the most prominent proselytizer of “hard AI,” which argues that it is possible to create consciousness in an artificial being.

Ruler of Rulers!

opanerd - vrijdag 26 april 2013 - 21:21 - Redactielid


Dit is inderdaad een zeer interessant en stimulerend artikel! Bedankt.

In de vergetelheid is de verrukking nabij

Pagina : [1]


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