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Google Toolbar 2.0 Beta

Soldaat - woensdag 23 juli 2003 - 16:18


De google toolbar zorgt ervoor dat je van alle functies van google gebruik kunt maken, direct vanuit je browser.

Er is een nieuwe versie van de Google Toolbar uitgekomen. Hij is nog heftig in ontwikkeling, dus een foutje hier en daar is geen uitzondering.

De features:
- Google Search: Access Google's search technology from any web page.
- Search Site: Search only the pages of the site you're visiting.
- PageRank: See Google's ranking of the current page.
- Page Info: Access more information about a page including similar pages, pages that link back to that page, as well as a cached snapshot.
- Highlight: Highlight your search terms as they appear on the page; each word in its own color.
- Word Find: Find your search terms wherever they appear on the page.
- Popup Blocker: Make surfing the web easier by stopping annoying popups.
- AutoFill: Automatically fill in a form with the click of a button.
- BlogThis: Create a weblog post pointing to the page you are visiting.

Image :

Link : Google Toolbar 2.0 Beta