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R.I.P. Ken Kesey

Robinzq - maandag 12 november 2001 - 18:50


Auteur van One flew over a coocoo's nest en Merry Prankster opperhoofd is zaterdag overleden

Terwijl de mannen van Bakeliet de geest van de Merry Pranksters levend hielden afgelopen zaterdag overleed de man die begin jaren 60 begon met met LSD doordrenkte fiskes met stroboscopen, black lights en optedens van the Greatful Dead.

Have a safe trip home Ken! _0_



Kesey's belly was hurting and the docs did a scan and found a black spot on his liver. It was cancerous but encapsulated which meant there was no cancer anywhere else. They decided to cut it out and the surgery went okay. He had sixty percent of his liver left to carry the load but in one of those dirty tricks the body can play on you everything else went to hell and this morning at 3:45 AM his heart stopped beating.

A great good friend and great husband and father and grand dad, he will be sorely missed but if there is one thing he would want us to do it would be to carry on his life's work. Namely to treat others with kindness and if anyone does you dirt forgive that person right away. This goes beyond the art, the writing, the performances, even the bus. Right down to the bone.

-- Ken Babbs