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Opgesloten in een schuur

tommy - donderdag 25 oktober 2001 - 21:03


Nieuwtje uit Engeland

Man escapes from internet shed

A man locked in his shed, who escaped by sending an SOS message on the web, has spoken about his slightly comic ordeal.
Steve Riley won't enter his shed in the same way, ever again. It all began when Steve nipped into his garden shed (installed with a phone line, but alas, no phone) to plug in his laptop and surf the web. Steve ventured into his tiny wooden hide-away at around 11pm, after his lady wife had gone to bed. However, after a good few hours surfing, the door suddenly slammed shut and the bolt slid firmly across - Steve was trapped inside his shed, and there was no way out. Thank the Lord for the internet.

Convinced that the door was slammed by 'yobs' (not wind, then), Steve started to panic, and realised that the only way to escape from his creosote-coated prison was to log-on and cry for help. At first, Steve tried to download some phone software so he could call for help, but that didn't work. Then, Steve e-mailed some friends, maybe hoping some of his mates were also awake (in their sheds, surfing the web presumably). But no reply. This was getting serious, Steve worried that the shed could have been set on fire, or that the mysterious 'yobs' could break into his house. Sensing imminent danger, Steve posted messages on various newsgroups and message forums, hoping someone would heed his call and rescue him:

"This is not a hoax. I am trapped in my shed with no phone. Help please."

Thankfully for Steve, he made contact with a user called 'Dennoginator', an American user on eBay's UK auction site. Dennoginator picked up the phone, alerted the police and Steve was rescued, just four hours after the wind blew his door shut... sorry, yobs locked him in. Steve left his garden-gaol at 5.45am, presumably just a few hours before his missus would have woken up and freed him anyway. Steve has now fitted a five-lever mortise lock on his shed, and has also installed a phone in their too. We say this - just set up the laptop inside your house, you mentalist!

Thanks tommy